What’s in the law?

Redwood City Fair and Affordable Housing Ordinance 2024

Faith in Action Bay Area leaders and community allies are working to pass the Fair and Affordable Housing Ordinance for the November 2024 ballot. This grassroots ballot measure will ensure that Redwood City can continue to be a vibrant and welcoming community with stable, liveable neighborhoods. It will cap rent increases to a reasonable amount so residents can focus on making ends meet without fear of their rent spiking every year, while ensuring a fair return for mom and pop landlords. It will also protect renters from unjust evictions and address issues of harassment by unscrupulous corporate landlords that have been well-documented in Redwood City for years.

  • Reasonable rent stabilization

    After tenants move into a home, landlords would be able to raise rent each year by at most 5% (or 60% of the inflation rate based on the Consumer Price Index, whichever is less). Landlords can petition for a greater rent increase if their operating expenses have increased. This measure does not limit rent increases between tenancies.  Single family homes, condos, and all new units built since 1995 are exempt from the rent stabilization portion of this measure.

  • Protections to stop arbitrary and unjust evictions

    The measure clarifies and strengthens “just cause for eviction”, requiring landlords to provide one of a list of approved reasons before evicting a tenant, to prohibit arbitrary and unjust evictions that destabilize families and neighborhoods. It also provides fair relocation benefits to renters who are evicted for a reason that is not their fault.

  • Rules to ensure healthy living conditions

    The measure protects renters’ safety and rights, including the right to return after renovations, and provides more options for tenants in the event that a landlord does not complete basic repairs or meet local and state health and safety standards.  

  • Safeguards to prevent harassment of tenants

    The measure prohibits various forms of mistreatment that are used by bad-actor landlords to intimidate tenants into moving out, specifically addressing issues that Redwood City renters have documented for years. 

  • City-run rent program for transparent, straightforward oversight

    The City Manager and City Council of Redwood City will oversee the city’s rent program that will establish annual guidelines, provide community education, connect tenants and landlords to legal services, collect data on rental rates, and supervise the process for petitions and hearings.